Connecting with Ourselves

Connecting with myself can be hard to remember to do. We are living in a time where we are very focused on attempting to stay connected to our friends, our families, our children and partners, making it difficult to think about how can we reconnect to ourselves.

I’ll be honest, I don’t always find I’m up to the challenge- I’d rather just lay in bed when I have a free moment. (And that’s okay too!)  But when I’m being intentional about connecting here are a few ways that I choose to connect to myself: 

Anissa Coloring Book.png
  • Stand in the dirt with my bare feet for 1 minute, taking deep breaths.

  • Listening to a song that I really enjoy (instead of The Wiggles for the 5,000th time).

  • Spend 10 minutes coloring in an adult coloring book.

For me those things can help me feel grounded (fairly quickly) and remind me that I’m still in there somewhere in the midst of all the busy-ness and taking care of so many things for so many other people. Maybe some of those things inspired you? Whatever you choose we hope you’ll find ways to ask yourself “How am I connecting to myself in this moment?” 



Share with us your tips for connecting with yourself on Facebook or Instagram. We love to hear from you!

Dawn Dickerson