How to Prepare Your Space for Your At-Home Yoga Practice

There are lots of changes happening in our world right now, and one thing I am thankful for is the ability to connect with others remotely. Usually I am more of an in-person kinda gal. I would much rather meet face-to-face than talk on the phone. But forces beyond my control are demanding that I step out of my comfort zone and greet all of you through my computer from my home instead. Many other providers are doing this as well - I know I am being inundated with virtual options (which is so, so great!) - and there are so many clear, beautiful rooms out there! I need a beautiful room for you! My home does not look like that! There are LEGOS and blocks and folded laundry everywhere! I have some work to do.

When you physically come to me for yoga, I can control the space you step into. I can clear out the physical clutter so you can have a break from it for a while. You are always in charge of your mental clutter, and we work to create some space together in your mind and body.

But this experience will be different.

I cannot come to each of your homes and clear that physical stuff out of the way. YOU will be in charge of creating a space where you can practice, and I am here to walk you through this complicated process.

Take a deep breath.

Here we go.

Step 1: Find a yoga mat, a towel, a blanket or other implement that your body will fit on when you are lying down.

Step 2: Find a space that is big enough to lay out said implement so your body will fit on it lying down, and standing up.

Step 3: Show up.

Step 4: Remember it is not about what it looks like, it is about what it feels like.

That’s it. Four steps. That is your work for now.


Easy? Perhaps. If you live with people like mine, who do not believe in clear surfaces, it might prove more difficult. I have a regular at-home practice, and this is a little window into it. I have learned to lay down my mat and show up.

When I am guiding you, I know I cannot control your space and your clutter. But I can control mine. How can I create a space for you where you at least do not have to deal with my clutter? (Because I am sure you don’t want my kids’ underwear hanging on the chair behind me while you are following along with some juicy hips.) I can finish a project that I have been dreaming of for quite sometime! A reorganizing that includes a deep dive into my own clutter and excess, a shedding of things and thoughts, of rules and imaginary boundaries. And also I am ironing curtains (this is taking way longer than expected), rearranging furniture (anyone want a ridiculously big laundry holder/wait I mean chair?), purchasing a selfie light (what?!?), and moving heavy, heavy things.

So are you ready to join me? Even if you are not ready, will you show up anyways? We often practice finding peace through yoga together. To come back to your breath, find your center through the hard parts. You know what to do - this is your time to shine. This is your time to practice finding your peace in the midst of chaos around you. And it’s mine, too.

I invite you into a sacred space that I am making just for us, and that you are making just for you. To grow, to learn, to clear our clutter, to find our peace. Together.

Dawn Dickerson