
Happy New Year! I have had a busy year so far. I have been traveling and playing and napping. Because what could be better than snuggling with my sweet new rainbow squishy niece?!?

2015 was a year of healing for me. I have spent more time alone, more time away, and while I fought off the pangs of guilt along the way, I am a much better person for it. I just took two weeks off and I can't wait to get back to work! I have filled myself up and I am ready to help fill others (more about my self-care later). In some of that space I created for myself, or really, was created for me, I worked on my planning for the new year. One of the tasks presented was acknowledging the past year, giving thanks for all that has passed, and then letting it go. I finally took a moment to sit with all that was. And is. I looked out of the window of the plane into the surrounding sky and clouds and it felt so peaceful. So perfect and right. 

I found that I am filled with gratitude for all that has happened so far, the great things and the really sucky things. I started writing down events, people, places, happenings and I ran out of room. And then I remembered a practice that I thought about doing several years ago but never really did - Embracing a Year of Gratitude - and decided that I am going to challenge myself in this endeavor. I am not going to do it here, although some things might spill over, but in real life. Letting the people that I love and care about know how much they mean to me. I am not one to lavish friends and family with talk of love and smooshiness; I figure if I hang out with you I must like you, right? But there are so many people that I appreciate and love that I don't get to see. Let me be clear -  this task is way out of my comfort zone. But I am going to do it anyway. 

So I start with you, dear friend: I love you and I am glad you are here.

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